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In a world where we’re constantly reminded to put ourselves first, it’s even more important that around the holidays we, as Christians, spread Jesus’ love and put others before ourselves. We’ve all heard of doing random acts of kindness.. but have you heard of RACK? RACK stands for random acts of Christmas kindness. This version is a Christmas countdown that will encourage children and remind ourselves to give, serve and help others throughout the holiday season. And if you’re thinking you just don’t have anymore time to add one more thing to your already busy schedule, think again. This is such a simple activity that will help us all experience the true meaning of this glorious season.

At it’s simplest form, put together twenty-five envelopes and within each envelope have an activity written. The night before, pull out the next day’s activity and talk with your family about what you’re going to do. If you want to go the extra mile, have a scripture verse associated with each activity so that as a family you can talk about what the verse means to each of you. There is a whole host of activity ideas that you can choose from.. something even as simple as collecting canned goods for a local food pantry. A more extensive list of activity ideas is listed below.

As you complete each activity, you can leave a card behind letting the recipient know they’ve been RACK’ed. And hopefully they will continue to share the love of Jesus with others.

I know of a few families who have done this sort of countdown in the past and they have really enjoyed it. Not only were the children really excited about each day’s activities, but they were so anxious to help out others in their community. My husband and I plan on doing this just the two of us.. as a simple reminder that we are here on earth to serve others and to spread God’s love to those around us. While our intention is to serve and bless others, we in turn become the ones who are truly blessed. It truly is far better to give than to receive..


Activity Ideas:

  1. Buy the lunch of the person behind you in the drive thru line
  2. Purchase toys for kids in need (Toys for Tots, Angel Tree, etc.)
  3. Donate blood
  4. Collect canned goods for a local food pantry
  5. Pay for santa pictures for someone at the mall
  6. Buy coffee for a stranger, a coworker or even your child’s teacher
  7. Leave a present in your mailbox for your mail carrier
  8. Tape quarters to vending machines around town
  9. Grocery shop for the sole purpose of putting it in the Food for Families box at the store’s entryway
  10. Plug meters around downtown
  11. Ring Salvation Army bells
  12. Handing out Starbucks gift cards ($5.00 each) at the mall
  13. Pay the past due library fees for five people
  14. Sing carols at a local nursing home
  15. Adopt a local classroom and give them needed school supplies
  16. Bring treats to the employees at your local post office
  17. Donate books to a school library in need
  18. Bring lunch for a coworker or your child’s teacher
  19. Buy hot cocoa for someone ringing the Salvation Army bells
  20. Leave a generous tip for a hardworking waitress
  21. Hand out pretty Christmas flowers at a nursing home or at the mall
  22. Bake and deliver cupcakes to the local library
  23. Buy a solider and his/her family dinner
  24. Take an all night drug store employee a special treat (because it’s no fun to work on Christmas Eve!!)
  25. Since Christmas falls on Sunday this year, take your Pastor a special treat or plate of cookies